Art event in Søndersø – launched by the Kunstforum Viborg
Duck Residence is a comment about having a place to belong – a home!
The project is about places in motion, and places without a permanent connection.
8 members of Kunstforum Viborg: Annette Gerlif, Birgit Kvorning, Felix Pedersen, Helle Bovbjerg, Henning Elving, Kika Møller, Rene Schmidt and Susanne Ahrenkiel
8 invited guest artists: Amanda Karlsson (SE), Annette Hornskov Mørk (DK), Bruno Kjær (DK), Gunnar Klenke (DE), Johan Gaellman (SE), Marja Leena Valkola (FI), Monique Sourbron (BE) and Steen Rasmussen
Download Art Map, Duck Residence 2016:
Artwork by Annette Hornskov Mørk, Kika Møller, Helle Bovbjerg and Annette Gerlif:
Photo to the left: “TERRITORY” Mooring of a place of hearing – an insistence on the right to be.
Photo to the right: “COLLECTION”
Exhibition period: Juni 18 – August 14, 2016